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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Love as I See It Contest - Win P100,000

Love As I See It

          Island Rose is the largest supplier of flowers in the country that allows you to send farm fresh roses anywhere in the Philippines. Their state-of-the-art flower farms grow their French and Dutch variety roses and make these readily available for flower delivery across the Philippine Islands. They produce the most distinctive flowers in the Philippines helping us to select the perfect gift for our loved ones. With all these, Island Rose truly keep relationships alive.
          To help them improve their website, Island Rose announces its 'Love As I See It' photo contest, offering a generous prize of 100,000 Pesos! Participants will simply take a picture with the Theme "Love As I See It" and tell the story of the photo that relates to the theme of the contest. Best Photo story will win P100,000 and each Top 10 best photos will win Island Rose Gift Certificates! Plus an automatic 10% off on their website just by submitting your entries to the contest.

1. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. But you must "LIKE" Island Rose Facebook page first to qualify. (www.facebook.com/IslandRose.net)
2. One entry per participant only.
3. Submit a picture with the theme “Love as I See It” - be creative, submit anything! Participants can capture whatever they like, as long as the subject in photograph convey the theme of love. (Each submission should only be 1MB until 3MB. max)
4. In 200 words or less tell something about the photo and how it expresses Love.
5. Spread the love and post your photo and story anywhere on the internet and end the caption with: This is my entry to “Love as I see it". A project of www.islandrose.net flowers Philippines. Post it on your blog, your Facebook account or any other social networking site that we can access through a website URL link.
6. Send your entry to life@islandrose.net with the subject “Love as I see it”, together with your full name, age, address, contact number, email, and the website URL link where you posted it.
7. Upon submission of entry, you will receive an email from Island Rose confirming your participation together with a promo code that entitles you to 10% OFF on our website.
8. Acceptance of entries begins on June 29, 2011 and ends on August 30, 2011.
9.  On September 10, 2011, the best entries will be posted on their Facebook page and pick the Top 10 Best Photos. Each will win Island Rose Gift Certificates. The grand prize winner of 100,000 will be selected from the Top 10 Best Photos.

Like Island Rose on Facebook now!



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Blogger Panda